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Mental Health
5 Healthy (And Engaging) Alternatives To Scrolling on Social Media
Struggling to cut back on social media? Discover five helpful alternatives to doom scrolling, from microlearning to mindfulness.
Medical Health
Prioritizing Heart Health: What Every Woman Needs to Know
Learn how to take care of your heart at any age.
Common Health Risks During Pregnancy (And How To Avoid Them)
Learn about common pregnancy health risks like gestational diabetes, placenta previa, preeclampsia, infections, and mental health challenges. Get expert tips to stay healthy for you and your baby.
How To Stay On Track Financially During The Holidays
7 smart ways to avoid going into debt during the holidays.
Medical Health
How To Quit Smoking This Year
Tips, Strategies, and Motivation for a Life without Smoking
Will Maternity Leave Ruin My Career Prospects
Navigating Maternity Leave: Strategies for Balancing Career and Parenthood
Medical Health
Here’s How You Can Detect Breast Cancer Early
Early Detection of Breast Cancer: Signs, Stages, and Self-Exams
Medical Health
Do You Have All the Facts About Ovarian Cancer?
Learn the risk factors, symptoms, testing and treatment of ovarian cancer.
Mental Health
Common Suicide Warning Signs to Watch For
Understanding Suicide Prevention: Recognizing Warning Signs and Taking Action
10 Things To Know About Raising A Child Solo
There are some common joys and difficulties faced by every single parent—here are the ten most common ones:
Prepare For Back To School With these 5 Tips
Today we’ll talk through some ways to prepare you and your kids for the new school year.
A Pregnant Woman's Guide to Nutrition
Today we’ll explore the key information every mom-to-be should know when it comes to pregnancy and nutrition.
How To Keep Your Baby Cool This Summer
Learn how to dress your baby, recognize signs of overheating, and ensure they stay hydrated and comfortable outdoors.
Medical Health
Should I Get Tested For HIV?
Today we’ll dive into the basics of HIV and how you and your partner can stay safe and healthy.
Family Planning
Embracing Your New Role as a Father: from Pregnancy to Parenthood
Today we share tips on supporting your partner during pregnancy and caring for your baby as a new father.
Here’s What “Good Parenting” Actually Looks Like
No parent is perfect, but today we will look at the qualities and behaviors that help create "good parenting".
Mental Health
Taking Care of Your Mental Health While Pregnant
Today we’ll highlight the importance of acknowledging and caring well for your changing mental health while your physical body does the hard work of growing your little one.
Medical Health
Top 5 Reasons For A Late Period
Understanding Late or Missed Periods: 5 Common Reasons Explained
Medical Health
Do You Have An STI? 5 Common STIs and Their Symptoms
Today, we’ll cover the 5 most common STIs, symptoms, and treatment options so you can keep yourself and your partner safe.
Mental Health
What Does Alcohol Abuse Really Look Like?
Today we’ll explore the signs and effects of alcohol abuse and how you can guard yourself against it.
Medical Health
3 Top Vaginal Problems To Look Out For
Today, we’ll cover some common vaginal issues, treatment and prevention options.
Medical Health
Is Your Heart Healthy? Here Are 5 Risk Factors For Heart Disease
Let's take a look at what cardiovascular disease is and the top five risk factors.
Mental Health
Your Partner Will Change Over Time But Your Relationship Doesn’t Have To Suffer
Like people, relationships can also be flexible and responsive, absorbing change and producing a greater amount of strength and stability over time.
Family Planning
10 Things & Skills To Have In Place Before Giving Birth
Today we’ll spend some time exploring common ways you can prepare for your little one, no matter your life context, number of current children, or financial situation.
Medical Health
5 Things Every Woman Should Know About Her Cervix
Today we’ll cover the top five things every woman should know about her cervix to stay knowledgeable about what cervical health looks like and how we can keep it functioning well.
My Family is Pressuring Me To Have An Abortion
For many of the people around you, it may feel like an abortion is the only solution to what feels like an unexpected problem, but there’s a chance you feel completely different and there are other options.
Does The Pull Out Method Really Work?
Exploring the myths about the pull out, or withdrawal method.
Mental Health
How To Heal From Past Emotional Trauma
We’ll spend some time digging into emotional trauma and how you can set yourself on a path of healing and restoration.
Top 10 Myths About Babies
We’ll unpack some of the top myths about babies to help you navigate all the information that’s out there.
My Girlfriend is Pregnant, Now What?
Helpful next steps when you learn your partner has an unplanned pregnancy.
Nervous About Nausea During Pregnancy? Here’s What To Expect
In this article you will learn about "morning sickness" and learn about causes, symptoms, and treatments of nausea during pregnancy.
10 Ways To Save Money When You Have A Baby
In this article, we'll explore 10 ways you can save money when you have a baby.
Medical Health
What Is Toxic Shock Syndrome (And Why Is It So Serious?)
Toxic shock syndrome can be scary and is fatal for some who contract it, so we hope that with a few key facts and context for this disease, you’ll be well equipped to prevent it as much as possible, identify early signs, and get the right treatment at the right time.
10 Ways To Prevent Infant Infection
8 easy strategies you can use to help keep you and your baby safe whether you’re in your final trimester or currently cradling your newborn.
How To Turn Down Your Partner If You're Not in The Mood
Here are some key tips for doing so without making him feel rejected and leaving you with a feeling of guilt.
Mental Health
How To Maintain Good Mental Health During The Holidays
We’ve also distilled some helpful tips in this article to help you survive (and even thrive) this holiday season.
Family Planning
What To Do When Your Partner Cheats
Today we’ll offer gentle guidance on responding to infidelity and navigating the next days and weeks.
Medical Health
What's Causing My Breast Pain?
We’ll explore some of the common causes of that pesky discomfort you may feel in your breasts from time to time.
What Is A Doula And Do I Need One?
This article helps you decide whether or not to invite one into your pregnancy, birthing, and postpartum journey.
Medical Health
What's Causing My Pelvic Pain?
But before you go to WebMD for answers, let’s cover some of the most common causes of this kind of pain outside of monthly menstrual cramps.
Medical Health
10 Exercise Options That Aren’t Boring
Staying active is critical to maintaining a healthy body and mind, so we’ve collected 10 ways you can keep your exercise routine fun, fresh, and effective.
3 Financial Tips for Expecting Mothers
Here are strategies you can use to make these costs more manageable. Here are a few tips you can use to help financially prepare for the arrival of your child.
What To Do When You Don’t Have A Support System for an Unplanned Pregnancy
If you find yourself looking down at a positive pregnancy test and you don’t have a strong support system of family and friends around you, here are some things you can consider to figure out what to do next and ensure you’re well taken care of!
Here Are The 35 Things You Actually Need Before Your Due Date
Here’s a list of the 35 core products every new mom should have for their newborn; this list does not cover things needed for infants older than 2 months. Add these items to your registry and prioritize them because these are the items you won’t want to live without.
I Was On Birth Control and Now I’m Pregnant—How?
Discover how various birth control methods may fail resulting in an unplanned pregnancy.
5 Things No One Tells You About Your First Trimester of Pregnancy
Here are five insights on the first trimester of pregnancy that no one really talks about but new moms wish they’d known.
10 Actually Fun Alternatives to Gender Reveal Parties
Here are 10 alternatives to hosting a gender reveal party.
How Does Sex Change After Having A Baby?
Today, we’ll explore some of the most common things women experience in their sex life after having a baby and how to return to an enjoyable sex life with your partner.
Top Doctors Visits You Should Schedule When Expecting A New Baby
Here are some of the main doctor visits you can plan for as you nurture your growing baby.
Mental Health
Free Pregnancy and Parenting Support Available Through The Source’s New Virtual Care Center
The Source created a virtual care center available to all Texas women, offering a broad array of support services completely free of charge.
Mental Health
10 Hobbies That Help Fight Depression and Anxiety
There’s a number of ways to help treat anxiety and depression, including therapy, medicines, meditation, a change of circumstances or relationships, and exercise. Often, treating these issues take a combination of solutions working together to help a person see real, lasting improvements.
Medical Health
Here Are 5 Key Nutrients Your Diet Is Lacking
Here are the five key nutrients lacking in most adult diets and where you can get those missing health and immunity boosters.
Mental Health
8 Ways To Become A More Content Person
Here are 8 ways you can become a more content person. That feeling of mild unhappiness with our lot in life is an often communal feeling. But that feeling can rob us of our joy in life and lead to bitterness.
10 Things You Should Know About Breastfeeding
Here are some of the things you can expect from breastfeeding—from the changes of your breasts during pregnancy to a few tips to make the process easier for you and your newborn.
How To Mourn A Miscarriage Without Losing Yourself
Today we talk about mourning miscarriages. This is a unique experience that affects entire families, but the reality is that the overall pain is more acute for you as the woman. You were looking forward to spending nine months bonding with your child in the most intimate way possible. Even if the pregnancy ended very early, the love you have for your baby was likely already deep and strong; as a result, you’re probably experiencing a number of things.
Personal Stories
10 Bad Habits That Can Lead To A Break Up
It doesn’t matter how great things are with your partner, no relationship is immune to a break up. Here are the 10 common habits that can lead to a break up.
10 Best Breastfeeding Tips
Here are top 10 top tips for breastfeeding.
What Can I Expect After A Miscarriage?
Here are a few of the things you can expect in the days and weeks following a miscarriage. You may not experience everything on this list. In fact, some women experience a “missed miscarriage” where they miscarry without experiencing outward physical signs.
I’m Pregnant, But My Boyfriend Doesn’t Want The Baby
What if you’re excited for a baby but your partner isn’t? He may be your boyfriend or your husband—either way, a lot of emotions can arise if he makes it clear that he’s not ready for, or doesn’t want, the baby.
Medical Health
Do I Have A Sleep Disorder? Here Are The 10 Signs and Symptoms
Having a sleep disorder automatically means you’re exhausted constantly. This can lead to injuries, chronic diseases, mental illnesses, poor quality of life and well-being, and lost work productivity. For many, their sleep disorder contributes to chronic conditions, including obesity, and even depression.
Should You Breastfeed? Here Are 5 Benefits To Breastfeeding
Whether you’re thinking about formula, feeding your child directly from your breast, or pumping your breast milk, it’s important to understand why millions of women, past and present, choose breastfeeding for their children.
Medical Health
The Must-Have Post-Covid Back-To-School Checklist
Here are the CDC’s recommendations for safely returning your kids to school this fall while keeping them and your family healthy.
Mental Health
Here’s What Compromise Looks Like In A Healthy Relationship
Not everyone is taught how to compromise from young, so one or both people in a relationship can struggle to meet halfway, so here are some ways you can practice healthy compromise in your relationships.
Mental Health
How To Survive A Stressful Job
Regardless of what’s triggering your high levels of stress from work, here are effective strategies for minimizing this response.
6 Mommy Blogs That Are Actually helpful
Mommy blogs offer an online community of support to mothers. They often share tips and tricks for parenting and also remind you that you are not the only one experiencing the sleepless nights and temper tantrums.
Medical Health
10 Myths About Sex We All Believed (At Some Point)
When it comes to sex and reproduction, half-truths can lead to STIs, relational stress, and unexpected pregnancies. So, today we tackle common misperceptions about sex and debunk the myths.
8 Exercise Instagram Accounts You Should Follow
There are thousands of Instagram accounts dedicated to health and exercise and we’ve found 8 options you can try to start or continue being active.
Medical Health
Here's What You Need To Know About Syphilis
Syphilis is a bacterial infection spread through sexual interactions. It’s relatively rare, with about 200,000 Americans reporting the infection each year.
Pregnant? How To Fly Safe During And After The Pandemic
There’s still a risk of contracting COVID-19 on a flight. The following are some critical safety tips to apply to help keep you and your growing baby safe while flying!
Here’s How To End An Emotionally Unhealthy Friendship
You can use the following tools to create a healthy distance with the person you're in a toxic relationship with, establish better boundaries, or cut ties if necessary.
10 Things You Should Know About Miscarriages
The more you know about miscarriages, the better you’ll be able to manage the occasional unusual pregnancy symptom or get the proper care if you are having a miscarriage. We outline the top 10 things you should know about miscarriages.
Mental Health
10 Signs You’re In A Toxic Friendship
If someone in your life matches the following 10 warning signs, it might be time to re-evaluate their friendship. It is important to note too that you can love someone and not be friends with them. 
10 Myths About Pregnancy We All Believed (At Some Point)
Here are the 10 most common pregnancy myths and the science behind the truth.
Medical Health
9 Actually Compelling Reasons You Should Work Out In Your 20s
We know working out can feel like a hassle, but here are 9 key benefits. If you are beginning an exercise routine, starting with 30 minutes of cardio every day can make a significant impact.
15 Questions To Ask Before You Give Birth
You’re about to have a baby! No matter what your situation is, whether this is your first baby or your third, the delivery experience can feel terrifying. Most of that fear likely stems from the unknown of what can happen in the delivery room. Even if you have already given birth, every delivery experience can be different.
Tips for Taking a Pregnancy Test Correctly
There are some simple things you can do to ensure the accuracy of your at-home pregnancy test results and avoid any test-related confusion or anxiety.
Medical Health
Babies Movements During Pregnancy: What’s Normal?
If you have pregnant or new-mom friends, it can even be a fun pastime to talk about your baby’s shifts and dances. Just remember, every pregnancy is different, so your baby may dance inside of you differently than someone else’s.
Medical Health
7 Reasons Your Pregnancy Test Gave A False-Positive
Pregnancy tests hold a lot of weight. With one positive test, your entire life will change. But what about when a test comes back falsely-positive? A false-positive test result only happens less than 1% of the time, but when it does, it can make the following days or weeks confusing before you realize you’re not actually pregnant.
Family Planning
10 Realistic #RelationshipGoals For You And Your New Partner
While everyone and their relationship is unique, there are some healthy goals we should all strive for, especially in a relatively new relationship. Talk these through with your partner and ensure you’re on the same page about what you want from each other and the relationship!
8 Things Every Millennial Should Know About Having Side Gigs
Whether you have a side hustle to supplement your income or simply because you get bored easily and want to feed your passions – we have 8 tips to successfully living the side hustle life.
5 Great Budgeting Apps To Help You Manage Your Money
You don’t need a finance degree to budget and manage your money well! All you need is a commitment to stick with your budget and a tool to support you with daily saving and spending like a budgeting app.
Mental Health
10 Signs Your Relationship is Healthy and Thriving
Even though love is the bedrock of a strong relationships, there are other signals that it’s healthy and thriving.
Mental Health
10 Non-Cheesy, Budget-Friendly Self-Care Ideas
Here are 10 practical, effective, and budget-friendly ways to care for your body and mind.
10 Proven Tips for Saving Money in Your 20s
You’re in your 20’s, and you’re probably not making a lot of money so here are a few proven tips for saving money while in your 20s.
Mental Health
Celebrating Christmas COVID-Style
There are still a number of family-friendly, COVID-conscious Christmas activities in the cities closest to you. Here is our Texas-wide list of Christmas activities for 2020.
Medical Health
What You Should Know About Being Pregnant During A Pandemic
While pregnant women might be at an increased risk for severe illness if they contract coronavirus compared to non-pregnant people, both pregnant and non-pregnant women are equally likely to recover from the virus, if no underlying conditions are present.
Medical Health
Sis, Here’s Why You’re SO Tired All The Time
You’ve asked yourself this question once, you’ve asked it a million times: Why am I so tired all the time? Here are some common causes and treatments for tiredness.
Family Planning
A Couple Adopted My Son: Here’s My Story
Read one woman's story of carrying her child to term and executing an adoption plan with her son's new parents.
Mental Health
4 Ways Creative Outlets Improve Mental Health
It may come more naturally to some people, but everyone has a creativity muscle in them—here's how creativity improves mental health.
Medical Health
Here's What You Need To Know About HIV
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) spread during unprotected sex or from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth, or breast-feeding. There's no cure for HIV/AIDS, but certain medicines dramatically slow the progression of the disease.
5 Reasons You Should Have A Financial Consultant (Especially In Your 20s)
While it’s your responsibility to learn the fundamentals of personal finance management, advisors are absolutely critical to help you develop healthy financial habits early and reach your goals.
Medical Health
Here's What You Need To Know About Herpes
Genital herpes is most commonly a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). You can contract this infection through sexual contact with an infected partner or at birth through the birth canal of an infected individual and even from acts such as kissing an infected individual if you have a break in the integrity of your skin or your immune system is down.
Medical Health
Here’s How Black Pregnant Women Can Fight Pregnancy-Related Death
Unfortunately, racial disparities have persisted. In 2020, the death rate among Black pregnant women is still 3-4 times higher than among White women. Here's how hospitals and Black women can end this tragic reality.
Personal Stories
Exploring Stephanie's Experience At The Source
Curious about what patients at The Source can expect? Join us as we explore Stephanie's pregnancy experience and her experience at The Source Austin.
10 Ways to Earn Money While Pregnant
How will I financially support another human if I am struggling to support myself? If you’re asking yourself this questions right now, you’re not alone.
Medical Health
Here's What You Need To Know About Gonorrhea
Do you know how you can contract gonorrhea or what's the treatment for it? Check out this fact sheet for the information you need to address this STI.
Medical Health
12 At-Home Workouts To Avoid The "Quarantine 15"
Whether or not fitness centers have reopened in your city, we recommend spending more time social distancing and avoiding communal spaces like gyms. Here are 15 simple at home workouts you can do right from your living room to come back from the quarantine 15.
Medical Health
Here's What You Need To Know About Chlamydia
What is chlamydia? How is it spread? How do you know you have it? We have these answers and more for you.
How Do Pregnancy Tests Actually Work?
There’s some really important information you should have in your back pocket, like how those infamous pregnancy tests work.
10 Podcasts Every First-Time Parent Should Listen To
Whether your baby was unplanned or you’ve been trying for a long time, congratulations! You’re about to be a parent! In reality, pregnancy and parenting can be challenging but also full of blessings and joy. But without the right information, it’s easy to develop unrealistic expectations about how easy or how difficult this season of life will be.